Tuesday 23rd January 2007 was a full day down in London for the NEC Sub-committee. The first meeting was the Womens, Race and Equalities Committee. We registered strong opposition to any watering down of the sexual orientation regulations.
We also received copies of new disability guides for CLPs (copies being sent out but I have them if people want) and heard details of a women candidate mentoring scheme.
We heard the details for re-establishing the Black Socialist Society and considered the Organisation Committee Papers. The main concern was the arrangements for the selection of a candidate in Ealing Southall. Its vital we get these arrangements right and we agreed to defer a decision until March.
The Disputes Committee considers a wide range of individual disciplinary cases. Its not right to mention individual cases but its important detailed work in keeping the party running.
The Organisation Committee meets in the afternoon.
We finally agreed rules for the running of the Birmingham Labour Party, establishing members forum for members in Northern Ireland and the Black Socialist Society.
Much of the discussion was about Parliamentary Selections. The NEC is awaiting reports on procedures in Worsley and Milton Keynes North East and we agreed to recommend All Women Selections in Sunderland North, Brighton Pavilion and Selby with the following seats being open: Easington, Brighton Kemptown, Bolton South East, Bristol North West and Swansea East. A decision was deferred on Southall.
We heard that Lynn Jones and Mike Clapham had decided to stand down as MPs. I first met Mike in the early '80s when he was a Yorkshire miner - always seemed a very good fellow and its hard to believe he's old enough to retire - I wish him all the best.
We will be coming up with new proposals on positive action in local government after these elections and we received assurances that the local Government Unit would continue to function with staff being replaced.
These proposals all go to the NEC on 30th January 2007.